Thursday, November 18, 2010

National Geographic on Domestication

The producer contacted me for help locating resources on poultry domestication. I was able to connect her with Tomas Condon, who is studying Junglefowl. The program will be broadcast Nov. 23.


Terry said...

You are such a resource, Christine!
BTW, I just got an email from a Peace Corp worker in Zambia, with some chicken keeping questions. The web certainly connects the world!

Christine Heinrichs said...

How interesting, Terry! I'm happy to help. What's going on with chickens in Zambia?

Terry said...

He's way out in the bush. He has dried soy flakes for protein and is looking forward to adding eggs to his diet. He's also teaching the locals about aquaculture - they need the chicken manure to feed the plankton which will feed fish. He has NO resources except his own creativity.

Christine Heinrichs said...

Is there some way we could help?