
Saturday, April 5, 2008

CCFF Layer Sale

Central Coast Feather Fanciers,, held its annual Layer Sale this morning. Club members had raised New Hampshire, Ameraucana and Rhode Island Red chicks to pullets. They sold for $15 each. They are expected to begin laying in a month. It's the club's fundraiser, to buy new cages for the annual show, held the first weekend in October. It was a great turnout, with club members also bringing surplus birds for sale. There were Black Leghorns, Black Cochins, White Cochins, a White Cochin Frizzle and Bearded D'Uccle bantams. The Salmon Faverolles, below, caught my eye.

One man bought 20 pullets that will live in the sturdy chicken tractor he brought along on the back of his truck. He manages a vineyard and plans to use the chickens between the rows of grapevines. Future reports on his progress will be posted here.

Not all bought, but all enjoyed the birds and talking about their birds, past and present. One mentioned that he has two Araucana roosters he'd like to find homes for. Any takers? Contact me and I'll put you in touch.


  1. The Faverolles caught my eye too! I plan on getting some next spring. I also like the very large black feathered-leg birds in the back of the first photo. I don't know what they are, can you tell me?

  2. Those are large fowl Black Cochins. They are real nice birds. The roosters may weigh up to 11 lbs. and the hens 8-1/2 lbs and they look even larger with all those soft feathers.
