
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Spangled Barnevelders

Daniel Maennle of Germany is looking for Spangled Barnevelders. "Does this color still exist in the USA?" he asks. He refers to William Powell-Owen's 1932 book, The Barnevelder, in which the double-laced variety is differentiated from the partridge.

This illustration is of the double-laced partridge variety that has become dominant and is recognized by the American Poultry Association. The illustration comes from the 1954 book, Zucht und Rassekundlicher Bilder Atlas des Geflugels.

The APA Standard comments, "At first, the birds were of mixed markings, some being double laced, others single laced, while the majority followed the stippled partridge pattern."

Lacing means a contrasting border around the entire web of the feather. Stippling is contrasting dots of color on the ground color of the feather. Spangling is a distinct contrasting color V at the extremity of the feather. Spangling is always black on silver or gold or white against a black bar on bay or brown. Mottling is white-tipped feathers, in varying amounts. The Standard makes the point that mottling differs from spangling  in that "markings are always white and found only on a variable percentage of the feathers, whereas in spangling the markings may be either black or white and are located on the tip of each feather.

Typical spangled breeds are Hamburgs, as illustrated by this painting of Mr. Henry Belden's pair of Silver Spangled Hamburgs from Dr. J. Batty's Lewis Wright's Poultry (1983). 

Daniel is looking for those with spangled markings. Please respond in the comments if you have any or know of any. Thanks!

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