
Monday, September 10, 2012

ABA 2012 Yearbook

My American Bantam Association 2012 Yearbook arrived recently. What a treasure chest! I'll pick this up throughout the year.

It's got all the relevant documents that I don't need every day, but occasionally come up: the constitution and by-laws, the Code of Conduct. Every now and again a question comes up that sends me back to the documents to find official policy. All in one place, easy to find.

All ABA judges are listed, with mailing addresses. Many are listed with photos, phone numbers and emails. What a resource for a poultry writer who often needs to confirm details of showing or breed requirements! The Standard has it in print, but the judges can interpret what it means and what they see in the show ring. It makes it easy for clubs to locate judges for their shows, too.

The ads play a similar role. Finding an expert on a breed isn't always easy. It's a sure thing that the people who advertise in the Yearbook are serious about what they're doing. Contact information, easy to find. They even index the breed clubs, so you can turn right to the page you need.

Karen Unrath has done a super job of selecting articles on subjects that help bantam breeders refine their breeding and show their best. This year, Dr. Don Monke has written about The Development of the White Bearded Japanese Bantam, followed by a detailed explanation of The Genetics of Muffs and Beards. Where else would we find this kind of documentation? Thanks Don, and thanks Karen for sharing this with the membership.

Special to Don: Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo of a White Wyandotte with me for publication in the 2013 edition of How to Raise Chickens. That's the kind of chicken Robert Frost memorialized in his poem, A Blue Ribbon at Amesbury, and the poem is now illustrated with Don's Wyandotte in the new edition which will be available in Spring 2013. I'm glad to see that Frost's poem has inspired Howard J. Kogan to poetic expression. I hope he found it in my book!

In short, this Yearbook is indispensable. Thanks, Karen and the ABA for this service. Get yours by joining ABA.

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