
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bill Stevenson

Guineafowl, poultry and waterfowl breeder Bill Stevenson is hospitalized, his right side paralyzed and his speech impaired. He is able to understand and is cheered when he hears that his Guineafowl friends are thinking of him. He has been moved from the Intensive Care Unit to the rehabilitation unit. Cards can be sent him at:

William Stevenson
Lifecare at Lofland Park
715 East King Street
Seaford, DE 19973.

Bill's friend Connie, along with Pat and Jeff Ammon, has organized a fund to help defray his medical bills. Donations can be sent to:

The William W. Stevenson Jr. Benefit Fund
c/o PNC Bank
#2 Pennsylvania Ave
Bethany Beach De 19930.

Tax ID number, 30-6228734, must be written on the check or money order. Without this number, the funds cannot be accepted.

Contact the Ammons at

36902 Double Bridges Road
Frankford DE 19945

Pat says, "I must also mention we are NOT doing this alone. My friend and Bill's, Connie, set up the fund. We are all working to keep the animals alive until decisions and arrangements can be made. My husband Jeff, Connie, John, Albert, Gordy and others have been working tirelessly for weeks. Bill will need visitors to keep his spirits up. So far he seems to be doing well but it will be a struggle to say the least."


  1. Hello Friends of Bill Stevenson!
    Great day! Saw Bill today 3/20/2010.
    Saturday and a beautiful spring day.
    Christine stopped in yesterday and made Bills day. She witnessed his progress in therapy.
    Connie and I saw it today and every day we visit we see marked progress. Bill is so determined to come back from this!
    He is awesome to watch, reminds me of a kid set on learning things as if for the first time.
    Everyone is welcome to visit. He lives for visitors to talk to. His speech only gets better the more he uses it. And Bill still loves to talk.
    He asked me to bring him his new cell phone(not even activated yet).
    Guess he has some people we wants to call.) Thanks for all the donations, and more importantly thanks for being Bills friends.
    Another update soon.
    Hazel comes next week! He is waiting.

  2. Bill also loves those cards and letters. Please keep them coming.

  3. Hello all friends of Bill.
    I just wanted to say thank you!
    The outpouring of love is great.
    Bill so enjoys the cards and letters.
    Our friend Hazel comes to the states Monday night and will be seeing Bill on Tuesday.
    He is so excited.
    He is speaking more clearly and Is looking forward to using his new cell phone. He just amazes me up with his irrepressibility.
    Nothing is going to keep him down.
    Thanks again,
    Pat Ammon

  4. I have known Bill for over 20 years. I check this blog regularly for updates, so any little bits of information on his progress are appreciated. Adrian

  5. Update on Bill.
    Bill is doing very well. He has been out and about. Dr.s appointments and a visit to his farm. Also came to Easter dinner.
    He climbed a set of stairs, here, even before he did it in therapy.
    He is doing AWESOME!
    Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
    Thanks for being his friends.

  6. Hi
    Update on Bill
    He is doing well. He now has a land line phone # that he can receive calls anytime! He cannot however make long distance calls.
    Please call. He can speak clearer every day and the more he talks the better.
    I jut got off the phone with him (1 hour and 16 minutes) Just like old times.
    Post your remarks please. We would like to know if you are out there. Bill and I do check different sites to read your comments.
    Thanks , Pat
    Thanks to Louise for the book and Margaret for the lovely card and Ruth for keeping in touch.

  7. Hello, Bill and Friends,
    The Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Copper Sex Links and Auracanas from New England send their greetings!

    Was wondering how things are going. How far is Bill's farm from the care center? Would my dogs and I be able to stay there if we come for a visit in late May? I can help with the critters at the farm for a few days, and see what else I can do to be of use.
    Send details:

    Hope all is well, Amy Reifsnyder

  8. Hello all,
    Bill is doing well. We hope to have him go home soon. We are aiming for the last week in May.
    Hazel comes soon, volcano permitting.
    Bill has a new phone # 302-628-5522. Please feel free to call him.
    Early morning and early evenings are best times to call. He does want to hear from everyone.
    He cannot call long distance so it is up to you to keep calling him.
    He has appointments this afternoon and again tomorrow.
    His mobility is good and only getting better.
    He does want to go home and is doing his best to make that happen.
    Thanks for your support.

  9. Hi everyone,
    I have news of Bill and it is not good.
    Yesterday May 7 Bill was air lifted out of Seaford and sent to Christiana hospital in Christiana Delaware. He has a tear in his aorta.
    It is bad news but it could be worse.
    No one has been to visit yet, we are all letting him rest quietly and allowing the Dr's to work there magic.
    We remain optimistic. This is Bill we are dealing with. He may be down but don't count him out just yet.
    I'll keep you all posted. Pray if you do and start if you don't.

  10. Hello all,
    Sorry it has been so long for an update. We have all been busy trying to get Bill out of rehab. No one has worked harder than Bill.
    He had a major set back in May and spent some time in Christiana Hospital, with a tear in his aorta. It is healing.
    The good news is he is coming home very soon. As soon as friday.
    Thanks for your support and concern.

  11. Hi Bill. I have just found this website.
    How are you mate !! Apart from your 'setback' it's good to hear that you are making a good recovery.. It is at times like this that the actual distance between us becomes such a 'physical' barrier.. as I'm sure if the 'pond' wasn't in the way.. you would soon get tired of the visits from the Ex Batt Forums Batty Brigade.. I was aware that you had stopped posting on the Forum but just thought you had become involved with your own birds.
    ( & it is refreshing to have a male voice amongst all the clucking females )
    Anyway, I truly hope that this email finds you well on the road to recovery..
    Fond Regards Steve

  12. Hi,
    Bill is now home and thats great news.
    He is adjusting well and wishes to thank everyone. Especially Christine for allowing us to use her website.
    He welcomes phone calls, as he finds it challenging to call out. He has a few #'s committed to memory and the rest are not really clear to him.
    Please feel free to call and email and visit if close by.
    Thanks again for all the postcard, get well wishes and prayers. These things all helped Bill get thru some very tough times.

