
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tillie Lays an Egg

Terry Golson, who wrote Tillie Lays an Egg, invited me to join her on two book events in Los Angeles last week. On Thursday, Terry read Tillie to children at the Palms-Rancho Park branch of the LA City Library. On Sunday, Chevalier's Bookstore on North Larchmont held a HenCam Party.
Erik Knutzen and Lora Hall, neighbors from Echo Park, brought Peckerella, one of Lora's chickens, a Barred Rock hen, to be the honored guest. Erik and his wife, Kelly Coyne, wrote The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living in the Heart of the City, published by Process Self-reliance Series. Their site is

Children get such a thrill from seeing a live chicken! It reminds me that most are not fortunate enough to have their own. But once they and their parents meet one, it becomes more possible.
Terry's husband Steve decorated the coop back at Terry's Massachusetts home for the occasion. The coop was displayed on the live feed via Terry's Hencam, and linked from my site,
We all had so much fun. Chickens bring out the best in people. Peckerella even laid an egg during the party!


  1. Hi Christine,

    It was great to meet you and pester you with poultry questions! And thanks for the book plug.


  2. You are more than welcome, Erik. I look forward to seeing the book. Keep me posted on that pecking problem. I'll send the information I have separately.
