
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Heritage Turkeys in Backyard Poultry

In honor of Thanksgiving, Backyard Poultry magazine,, features traditional turkeys in its October/November issue. It leads off with an excerpt from the turkey chapter in my book, How to Raise Poultry, the next title in the Future Farmers of America Livestock Series from Voyageur Press.
Editor Elaine Belanger did a great job with it, including pictures of Bourbon Red, Beltsville White, Bronze and Royal Palm turkeys provided by readers. Ross Simpson's artwork of turkey feather colors helps explain turkey plumage. It's my hope that Ross will see it and contact me. SPPA lost contact with him a couple of years ago. Ross, call me!
The issue also includes the SPPA's Critical List of Turkey Varieties and an article by Tom T. Walker of Texas on the Harvest Gold turkeys he is raising. It's a new variety which he developed by crossing solid red and solid black turkeys.
A page of turkey recipes concludes the section: two historic recipes dating back to the 18th century, a modern recipe and modern safe food handling advice.
Thanks for another great issue of Backyard Poultry!


  1. Someday I will raise some turkeys and they will definitely be heritage breeds!

  2. Congratulations! That's a beautiful cover. I'm tempted to sub to that magazine.
