
Monday, June 9, 2008

Midwest flood disaster

Matt John of Shady Lane Poultry,, and Poultryman Supply Company,, was flooded out of his new home in Columbus, Indiana over the weekend, He lost all his replacement stock of large fowl and all his adult bantams, nine breeds and several varieties.

Matt is an advocate of historic breeds and has kept Dominiques, as shown here in a photo from Bryan K. Oliver of the Dominique Club of America,,
Buckeyes, Black Javas, Delawares, Rhode Island Whites, Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds, White Rocks and Barred Rocks, Red Naked Necks, Golden Campines, Buff Catalanas, Iowa Blues, New Hampshires, Black and White Langshans and Blue Sumatras.

His bantam breeds were: Single Comb Rhode Islands Red, Rose Comb Rhode Island Red, Buckeye, Black Langshan, Kentucky Speck, White-Faced Spanish, White Rock, Barred Rock, White and Black LaFleche, Buff Columbian Cochin and various varieties of Silkies.

Matt plans to bring several hundred hatching eggs to colleague Laura Haggarty of Pathfinders Farm,, to incubate for him. She serves with him as secretary of the Bluegrass Poultry Association, of which Matt is president. She posted a notice of Matt’s disaster and asked for those who wish to help to offer Matt replacement stock to help him get started again.

Please support this dedicated poultry breeder. I shall report on his progress as information becomes available.


  1. ahhh gosh! It's events like this that really make me wish I had some sort of petty cash reservoir to lend a hand but all I can do is send some prayers their way.

  2. Such a tragic loss. Some of these breeds aren't ones I've never heard of. I hope he's back in operation soon.

  3. I'll keep track and post information as it becomes available. The SPPA Summer Bulletin had just gone to press, so we were not able to get a notice in there. But news travels fast in the poultry community and poultry people are very generous.
