
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tour D'Coop attracts hundreds

Kirsten Reberg-Horton's hen Hickety Pickety peers out to see who is coming to view her coop as one of the entries in Raleigh, North Carolina's Tour D'Coop last weekend. She is a black sex-link hen, a modern hybrid. From the penciling on her feathers, she has inherited some interesting genes!

Organizer Judy Morgan-Davis reported they welcomed "Over 600 visitors to our tiny garden and coop. I believe we raised over $3,000 and 1,500 pounds of food." Here's the link for some of the television coverage:
Congratulations, Judy, on a successful event for all concerned!


  1. Wonderful! (gotta love that poofy Buff Orp butt in the last photo!)
