
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Chicken combs

Ross Simpson has done a wonderful job drawing the variety of combs chickens display. He is a remarkable poultry and wildlife artist.
Unfortunately, I've lost track of him. Ross, if you are out there, please call me. If anyone knows where he is and has contact information for him, please let me know.
I'd like to use some of his artwork in my next book, How to Raise Poultry and wish to get his permission.


  1. Wow, so much variety in combs! I have often wondered what, exactly, their function is.

  2. Originally, a secondary sexual characteristic with all the usual: impressing females and intimidating other males. Over time and selective breeding, it has become a decorative and distinctive characteristic. Certainly, in many cases, highly so!

  3. Does anyone know how I can order Ross Simpson's chicken comb poster?


    Dennis Koranek

  4. Maybe Barry Koffler from Feathersite has still contact information ...
