
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Out There magazine

The Spring issue of Out There magazine is available, free, in Tractor Supply stores. It features two articles I wrote for this special Chicken section. One is about feeding chickens and the other is about poultry beyond chickens: ducks, geese, swans, turkeys, guineafowl, peafowl, gamebirds such as pheasants, quail and partridge, and ratities, which are ostriches, emus and rheas. Those other species of domestic poultry are also the subject of my next book, How to Raise Poultry, which will be published Spring 2009.

Other articles are about a family enjoying their flock, Passion for Poultry: The McCollough family finds their bliss in birds, and Build a Chicken Coop. Check for more poultry articles.

1 comment:

  1. great article! I see More back yard chicken houses going up all the time. I see gardens going in where lawns were last year....we must take care of our selves. We need more info like this.
