
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Poultry Poetry

Our church recently had a Talent Night and I couldn't resist doing a recitation of Robert Frost's poem to his favorite chicken, "A Blue Ribbon at Amesbury." I invited a young friend, Heather, who is seven years old, to assist me by holding a chicken on her lap.

Buttercup, a Buff Cochin belonging to another church member, volunteered to participate. Heather and I gave her a shampoo the morning of the show, so that she would look her best.

Buttercup proved to be a Kid Magnet. She sat in a box on my lap while we waited for our call, but kids found us backstage. They visited frequently, taking the opportunity to pet Buttercup's soft feathers.

Little Kristina, standing behind me here, was among them. She was so delighted that she could hardly tear herself away. So she joined us on the makeshift stage, running up to touch Buttercup and bounding back in delight.

Heather and I wore matching scarves made by her mother. The recitation was well received and we all counted the performance a big success.

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