
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Wisconsin shows rare breeds

The Badger Poultry Club's 43rd Annual Show in Richland Center was a great success, and an indication of how rare and historic breeds have caught public attention. Michael Tuyls of Kewaskum, above, holds his Bantam Chantecler, which took Reserve Champion AOCCL, behind a Buff Ameraucana.

More than 900 birds of all kinds were exhibited. Around 750 entries were shown in the Open and about 150 were shown in Juniors. Large fowl, bantams and waterfowl were all well represented.

Wyandottes were well represented, as were several color varieties of Leghorns. Brahmas, both Light and Dark, Opringtons, Black and Buff, Australorps, Araucanas, Ameraucanas and Cochins were all in fine feather. LaFleche and Buttercups gave everyone a chance to see some unusual combs. A couple of Dominiques and several Faverolles were there.

Rosecomb bantams, Silkies, Old English Games, including several in the Crele color variety, Modern Games and bantam Chanteclers brightened the bantam class. Leghorns, Wyandottes and other bantam varieties were on display.

A Brown China Goose took top show honors in the Open and a White Cochin hen in the Juniors. Judges John Thomforde, Gary Rossman and Robert Carothers worked hard to make their decisions. These birds were in fine feather, despite the time of year, and excellent type.

What a pleasure to see such a wide variety of breeds and colors at a local show!

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