
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Surplus Chickens

Spring is here, and some chickens that wintered over need new homes.

Monte Bowen, SPPA vice president, has some good large fowl Buff Plymouth Rocks and Buff Wyandottes he would like to place in someone else's flock. He writes in the Spring issue of the SPPA Bulletin: "I have kept far too many over the winter, as I had hoped that some of the local 4-H youth could get them...All are good large birds, very good type and wonderful brood stock."

This picture is from

Monte's email is He doesn't much like to ship birds, so you may need to make other arrangements to get the birds. He's in Kansas but often travels to shows and delivers birds that way. More complicated arrangements have been made to deliver birds before, with one driver taking a bird part of the way, handing him off to another driver for the next leg, and so on until the bird arrived at the final destination.

If you aren't yet a member of SPPA, you are missing out on terrific news like Monte's birds (and the rest of his column, Ramblings from the Prairie) in the quarterly Bulletin. Don't miss another issue.

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